Men's Group Artwork

Men's Group

Men's Group is not just for men nor is it just for religious people! Men's Group is all about perspective. At the end of the day there are a million podcasters that you can listen to and Jacob and I have listened to that are all incredibly knowledgeable about specific questions. It's my own conclusion that there's more to life than what meets the eye. Through my own search and discovery I realized just about all of our world leaders and higher authorities all get their wisdom in the same way shape or form from the Bible, down to the guru's, musician's writers and just about any influencer today. The only reason most of us don't realize it, is because it's been twisted or the credit was never given to God. Why is that? How is that? Good question! As we share our experiences and testimonies, we invite you to open your mind and think about everything that is happening in your life. As for Jacob and I, through knowledge, we have gained our understanding of God and his position in our life. It has brought HOPE and JOY in the toughest of times, but has not exempt us from the hardships of life that some of us don't understand. WE MUST endure! The Bible tells us that God is the beginning of knowledge. Let's talk about it!

Men's Group